Team Addenbrooke Tops for WA Agent Rankings

Pulse Property Group’s Team Addenbrooke has backed up a record-breaking October with a stellar November, finishing in REIWA’s Top 10 across multiple categories.

The monthly snapshot ranks top performing agents, teams and offices from across the State.

Team Addenbrooke finished third in WA in the Top Team by Value Sold category, notching up more than $8 million in sales.

The winning team of Di Addenbrooke, Zac Addenbrooke and Ellen Hunter also ranked in the top 10 for the number of the listings sold.

And Pulse Property Group’s Shelley office was the 24th most successful agency for the month of November.

Pulse Property Group director Di Addenbrooke said the performance was a testament to the combined effort of the team’s three experienced members, backed up by dedicated staff and an award-winning company.

“Team Addenbrooke has worked hard to develop trusted and long-lasting relationships with the local community,” she said. “We are now widely known for the greater exposure we give our clients.

“Using the latest digital marketing tools to very specifically target buyer groups we’ve become recognised as a very competent sales team. Buyers and homeowners are always confident they will receive the necessary information to ensure a smooth property sale.”

With more than two decades helping clients buy and sell property in the Rossmoyne and Shelley areas, Di has an unmatched understanding of local market conditions.

“As a family business I believe we truly understand the things that are important to homeowners,” she said. “And Team Addenbrooke is resolute in the belief that good, old fashioned service will yield results.”


To get in touch with Team Addenbrooke; 0406 005 755 or 9259 6999 or email

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